Pixar has one of the longest winning streaks going of any film studio. The Incredibles continues that streak, but mostly via sheer momentum.
As others have pointed out, this is a rather stale formula, a postmodern comic book of the sort mined by TV's The Tick, and even the dreadful Mystery Men. But no matter -- that the material is second-rate isn't the flaw, it's the execution. In this, has Pixar gone above and beyond the material? Mmmmmm, no.
Cute super-powers spread around a standard sit-com of a family; a non-super villain; the inevitable call back to arms, etc. And two-hours of this! Not even any Randy Newman songs to let in some lyricism.
Still and all, there's the expected amazing animation and quick repartee. While we'll be seeing the toys at fast-food joints and Xmas's for years to come, there's little memorable here.